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LTP & U12 Atoms

Queenstown Learn to Play Ice Hockey

The co-ed Learn to Play program caters for kids from 5 years of age through to senior High School students in their first year of Ice Hockey. We try to coach kids at the same level and will usually have 5-6 groups on the ice, all at different skill levels and abilities. The focus is on small area training stations in order to increase the number of puck touches and quickly advance a player's abilities and understanding of team play, rules, and sportsmanship.

Learn to Play operates during terms 2 and 3. Players can attend one or two training sessions per week at any skill level. Simply use your Learn to Play Concession Card upon entry to the rink for payment.

(This training is appropriate for Learn to Play players, including U9s and U12s)

Super League

U9s | U12 with some hockey experience can play in a "Super League", with players assigned to a superhero-themed team with jerseys to match and refereed games on Thursdays.

The U9 and U12 Super League offers children the ability to learn or extend their ice hockey skills and game play with the emphasis on fun. Games are cross ice, 3 on 3 format with 2-3 lines per term. Players will be assigned to a team and they will play with them for the season. Simply purchase your Concession Card from the Club upon entry to the rink.

2024 Training Schedule

Term 2 - April 30th - 4th July 
  • Tuesdays - 4:15pm – 5:15pm 
  • Thursdays - 4:15pm – 5:15pm Practice / Super League Games
Term 3 - July 23 -  September 26
  • Mondays - 4:15pm – 5:15pm 
  • Thursdays - 4:15pm – 5:15pm Practice / Super League Games

  • 10 use Concession card $175 (good for any session & can only be purchased from the Club at the Rink on training nights via Card payment).
  • For U12 players:
    • NZIHF Membership - $45
    • QIHC Membership - $55
    • Concession card - $175 for 10 sessions
  • Optional: Hoodies are available for your player and can be added at time of registration. This year hoodies will be $60. 
  • Schedules and fees are subject to change.

Club Coaches - JC Lavoie

Club Captains - Emma Rout, Ruth Abraham, Ingemar Erikson


Southern Ice Hockey League (SIHL) Rounds

U9 players (depending on numbers) and U12 players are also able to play in the U12 Southern Ice Hockey League tournament days. These are held in;

  • 19 May - Tekapo 
  • 9 June - Queenstown
  • 27 July - Alexandra
  • 18 August - Dunedin 
  • 22 September -  Gore Grande Finale weekend - more info TBC

Ice time is an additional cost for these tournament rounds and is generally invoiced after the tournaments. LTP players must be fully registered with the NZIHF to participate. 

NZIHF U9 and U12 Tournament:

  •  11 - 13 October - Christchurch
  • This tournament is an additional cost TBA.


Full Gear Hire is available to hire for all first & second year players. Gear hire can be added at time of registration. for more details on gear hire, please click here. 

Parents must provide neck guards and mouth guards.  Neck guards can be purchased from the Rink/Centre Ice and mouth guards from your local pharmacy, dentist or sports shop.

We charge a non-transferable and non-refundable gear hire fee of $80 for the season. 

Please sign in to your account to register your player for LTP | U9 | U12 Atoms. 
If you do not have an account yet, please sign up and then follow the steps to register. 


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